Award Winning Films and Resources for effective relationships & sex education

Health and Well-being Webinars

We are very pleased to offer you this wide-ranging collection of webinars. The presentations are hosted by experienced staff from Walsall NHS School Nursing or Health Visiting teams. Each webinar is packed with helpful strategies and reassuring advice, and signposting. Start exploring now, whether you're a young person or a parent/carer, we're here to lend a hand.

NB: For a subtitled version, press the 'CC' button on the bottom right hand side of the pop-up window.

Showing 6 of 33 Resources
Your School Nurse

Your School Nurse

Meet Leanne, a School Nurse from Walsall NHS and find out what support and advice the team can offer. 

 Your child's behaviour

Your child's behaviour

We help you to better understand what could be affecting your child's behaviour and give you some positive strategies to improve things.

Your child's behaviour (SENDi)

Your child's behaviour (SENDi)

We help you understand what could be affecting the behaviour of your child with additional needs and give you some positive strategies to improve things.

 Your child's emotions

Your child's emotions

We help you identify and understand your child's emotions and give you positive strategies to  support your child to manage those emotions.

Your child's emotions (SENDi)

Your child's emotions (SENDi)

We help you identify and understand your child's emotions and give you positive strategies to  support your child with additional needs.

Your child's sleep

Your child's sleep

We explain the importance of good quality sleep and help you to create new habits with your child to break the cycle of disturbed sleep and insomnia. 

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