Award Winning Films and Resources for effective relationships & sex education

U&Me: consent, respect & toxic relationships

U&ME is a drama film which explores healthy relationships and their importance to well-being. It’s been designed with students, health and educational professionals to trigger discussion. The drama tackles the following themes of consent and respect as well as toxic relationships (among many other things).

“The topics in this film are really important for young people and it’s so important for them to get the information they need so they make informed choices” Carol Williams, from Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust.

Topic Areas: Consent & respect, toxic relationships & gas-lighting; the importance of communicating needs and insecurities; different kinds of relationships; importance of friendship; peer-to-peer sexual abuse in school; challenges sexual violence & harassment, sexism & misogyny, homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) negativity and misunderstanding.

Watch the film HERE.

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